If you had been thinking that mind control works to influence you in your studies, achieve success in life, improve your relationships and get out of addictions, you need to rethink. Mind control has a wonderful role to play in all aspects of your life right from your studies to how you age. Did I mention weight loss? Yes, you can lose weight by mind control techniques. Here you go.

Using Your Mind Control To Lose Weight

The powers of the mind are limitless. You would have noticed that an achiever, in any area of life, be it sports or politics, has a wonderful mind control. While everyone has the mind power, it is only those who use it achieve success. Using mind control techniques can make your life, your atmosphere, your relationship, your financial status and of course, your health better. It may seem simple and it is simple if you start practicing it. It may seem so simple that you would wonder if it would work. Well, doubt not, it works for everyone.

1) Don’t Hope, Believe That You Have Achieved

It is all good to hope but to make things happen, you need to believe. Not just believe that it would happen; you need to believe that it has happened. Well, you are looking to lose weight. Believe that you have lost weight and achieved your weight loss goal. It may initially seem a tough task considering the fact that your mirror keeps reminding you. For once, ignore the saying ‘Seeing is believing’; reverse it to say ‘Believing is seeing’. Yes, you believe that you are slim and healthy and you will see the results in your mirror.

2) Visualize Yourself In Your Dream Size

How will you look like once you have shed the excess fat? Visualize yourself in a dress that is a few sizes lesser than what you wear now and imagine yourself to be comfortable wearing it. In short, visualize yourself as wearing apparel that highlights your slim waistline. Not a vague visualization if you want to achieve success. Sit in a relaxed position, close your eyes and watch yourself in the slim-sized dress. Start imagining yourself to be walking to your wardrobe, picking up the dress, wearing it comfortably, and going out of the room as your spouse gives you an admiring look. Let the imagination be detailed including the color, design and the size of the dress. Practice this technique at least twice a day, once in the morning immediately after you wake up and once at night before you go to sleep.

 3) Use Affirmations

 Your subconscious mind can do wonders for you if you know how to tap the resources within. When people talk about being positive, their suggestions sound vague, though the intentions are good. If someone tells you to stand in front of the mirror and repeat that you are slim so that your mind will make it happen, do you think it would? Definitely not, because as you keep telling you are slim, your mirror reflects the reality and hence your mind does not believe in what you say. Even, you yourself will not be able to say it with conviction. Hence, to make things happen, use affirmations. In affirmations, there is no need for you to make your mind to believe in your statement. All you need to do is to trigger it to find an answer to a question you pose. For example, you may ask, “Why I look slim and healthy?” Your subconscious mind starts looking for an answer to your question. Once you set your subconscious mind going this way, you will soon find your efforts matching its answers and the outcome is you minus the excess fat.

Patience Pays

There is no shortcut to success. To achieve your weight loss goal, you need to practice whatever you do with conviction. Just as you exercise your body to shed extra fat, exercise your mind to produce results. Once you use mind control to lose weight, you are sure to find the results amazing that you will start exercising mind control for every need in your life.

You have the right weight loss recipes and you have the perfect exercise program to make you lose weight. Are you still missing an ingredient to make your fight against weight loss a success? If you know what you need to do to lose weight but still aren’t doing it, the only ingredient you lack is the motivation to complete what you had started. Yes, weight loss is also about staying motivated. Here are some tips to help you to retain your enthusiasm throughout so that you can get back to shape within the targeted time.

Set A Realistic Short Term Goal

To keep your mind focused and to ensure you are on track set a short-term goal. Make sure that it is not the ‘reach for the sky’ type of goal. It has to be realistic and achievable by following healthy ways to weight loss. Having a far-fetched goal, gripping you at your throat, stretching, and pulling your muscles beyond the point of your endurance level will only make you come out of it sooner than you imagine. Never mind if it seems to take longer but remember, with possible goals set, you will very much be on road to successful weight loss.

Seek Professional Help

Instead of trying to do things on your own based on hearsay, it would be best to seek professional help. You can get yourself enrolled in some weight loss program so that you will be guided through it step by step. Since you pay your fees for the class, you will have no inclination to back out even if you go low on your motivation level.

Make Your Weight Loss Goals Public                        

If you want to succeed in your efforts at weight loss, you had better make your weight loss goal public. Tell your family and friends that you have decided to lose weight and share the details with them. Since you let it be known, you become committed to achieving your goal, as you would not want to look a failure in others’ eyes. Moreover, your family would be too willing to help you achieve your goal and if you ever try to reach for a second helping, you may find a hand to stop you from reaching it.

Look At The Slimmer Version Of You    

Paste one of your photos in which you were slimmer on the wall of your bedroom or by the side of your mirror or maybe in the kitchen or on the fridge door. Anything that makes you spend more time or anything that tempts you to go off track would be the right place to have your slimmer version posted. The more you look at it, the more determined you would be to get back the shape.

Keep Viewing The Outfit You Have Outgrown

Never put away the dresses you have outgrown. Select one of those dresses, which is very pretty and the one you loved most and hang it on a place where you will often see it. You can hang it in the room in which you exercise or by the side of your mirror so that you will be seeing it every time you change your dress. It would work at the psychological level. You were this size earlier and why can’t you get back to the size now?

Thank Yourself For All Your Efforts

Thanking yourself for the efforts you take to lose weight will work at your subconscious level. You will feel more energetic, more determined and more positive. Your positive attitude will help you stay motivated for weight loss.

Losing weight involves conscious efforts both at the physical and psychological level. Never hesitate to pat you on your back or give yourself some presents when you reach a target. Keep encouraging yourself; avoid all negative thoughts and those who can have a negative influence on you. Reaching your weight loss goal depends on how you weigh your needs. Since health is your topmost concern, there can never be a better motivation to lose weight.

It is known that regular exercise is one of the key factors, along with adequate rest and proper nutrition strategy, to lose weight. Exercise can be categorized into two types: strength training and endurance training. Strength training focuses to train your skeletal muscle; and often being performed by bodybuilder to increase the size and strength of their muscle. On the other hand, endurance training is the type which is suitable for those who would like to lose weight.

What is endurance training?

Endurance training is a type of training which enhances the capacity of human body to increase the efficiency of oxygen utilization to burn more fat during exercise. Due to this effect, endurance training is also termed as aerobic exercise. During endurance training, the ability of mitochondria to burn calorie will be enhanced; as more fat will be used during the exercise. Endurance training also helps to burn fat into energy faster than strength training.

What are the examples of endurance training?

There are several examples of endurance training, such as swimming, jogging, and cycling. All of them are beneficial for those who would like to lose weight if performed regularly.

Which one will help me to burn calorie faster?

You can do any of those endurance training. When you do endurance training, the intensity of the exercise can be measured by measuring MHR or Maximum Heart Rate. The best endurance training should be done in around 60 – 80% MHR. Slow jogging is termed as one of the best ways to burn your stored fat into calories to be used as a fuel to do the exercise.

Why slow jog is the best type of endurance training to lose weight?

When you do slow jog, your MHR will be around the range of 60 – 80%. The indication of this is that you are still able to converse but will not be able to sing properly. Performing aerobic exercise below this rate will burn calories slowly while performing aerobic exercise above this rate will burn carbohydrate instead of your stored fat. Therefore, slow jog is termed as the best aerobic exercise to lose weight.

Coconut milk is the white watery substance that is found inside the coconut. It is very rich in nutrients which keep the electrolyte balance in normal range. Coconut milk is both delicious and nutritious, but it is being more commonly used now not for these benefits alone, but also as a dairy substitute along with soy milk and rice milk. Patients suffering from lactose intolerance usually turn to one of these substitutes to avoid gastrointestinal discomfort that affects them when they consume milk or dairy products. Others are milk substitutes including coconut milk for search of a healthier alternative to milk which carries some saturated fat.

Coconut milk may be nutritious, but it certainly is not a weight loss friendly milk substitute. Coconut milk and its products are considered both high calorie foods and high fat content foods. Fats constitute 20% of coconut milk which is a huge percentage as compared to cow milk which carries 3% fat. Coconut milk contains medium-chain fatty acids and lauric acid which is responsible for raising cholesterol level in the blood. The high cholesterol has a bad impact on the cardiovascular system.

Various studies have showed that each cup of coconut milk contains about 550 calories. High calorie content in addition to the high fat content stimulates weight gain in the body, especially in the adipose tissues. Each cup of coconut milk contains about 52.5 grams of fat, 46.5 grams of which is saturated type of fat. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, coconut milk provides the body with 250% of its daily saturated fat requirements, which is a very large percentage especially if the coconut milk is consumed on regular basis as a dairy substitute.

The saturated fat has been linked to many diseases such as cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Coconut milk also contains approximately 25 grams of sugar per cup. That large amount of sugar is converted in the body to fat, also increasing the weight. People who regularly consumed coconut milk were found to have raised level of low density lipoproteins (LDL) to about 12 %.

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