As implied by its name, breakfast is literally breaking a fast, because you haven’t eaten since your last meal. It helps jump-start the body’s metabolism. That explains why breakfast is often referred to as the most crucial meal of the day.

If you don’t eat for a prolonged period, the body is inclined to store energy as fat reserves instead of burning it. If you’re used to skipping breakfast and not eating anything until lunch, which totals to about sixteen hours since your last meal, you run the risk of fat storage because your body isn’t sure when it will next be replenished. Therefore, people who opt to skip breakfast in the belief that they are avoiding calories are more likely to face obstacles in the attempts to lose weight. In contrast, people who take breakfast regularly experience improved weight loss.

With that said, what are breakfast choices that could enhance your metabolism and consequently burn fat deposits?


A full cup of raspberries provides you an astonishing 8 grams of fiber. In fact, that’s twice as much as what a full cup of strawberries gives you and about an equal amount in a cup of some varieties of beans. What’s so special about fiber? Studies have found that fiber fills you up and has zero calories. It prevents weight gain since you feel full and have no desire to eat anything else for the better part of the morning. It’s the ideal ingredient for losing weight.


Another fiber-rich food for breakfast is oatmeal. It is sugar-free. Eating oatmeal leads to weight loss through two ways. To start with, it comprises of fiber which helps to keep you feeling fuller for longer. Second, it features slow-release carbohydrates which help burn fat. Slow-release carbs does not raise blood sugar levels as high as consuming refined carbs like white toast. In effect, insulin levels remain steady. Given that insulin sends a signal to your body to stock up fat deposits, having low blood sugar levels leads to burning of more fat. You can cook your oatmeal in milk. If you wish to add more flavor, consider throwing in fruits such as blueberries, banana slices, and raisins as toppings.

Whole-wheat bread

No breakfast is complete without carbohydrates; however, the type of carbs you eat can make a massive difference when it comes to weight loss. Remember, whole wheat plus other whole grains are essential slow-release carbs and have more fiber and nutrients compared to their white, refined equivalents. What you apply to the bread also matters. Top the bread with some almond butter or an egg rather than butter.

Peanut butter

Another breakfast meal for promoting weight loss is nuts. You can dollop peanut butter on your wheat-toast and gobble it for breakfast. Additionally, you could also add nuts into your oatmeal which is another example of a slow-release carb. If you’re allergic to peanuts, a good alternative would be almond butter. It’s a good source of protein and delicious when spread on whole grain bread.


Eggs are rich in protein and are often staples of recommended diets given to those who enroll for weight loss program. In contrast to carbs and fats, proteins keep you feeling full for a long time. As a result, you don’t have cravings for food after eating your breakfast. Therefore, your body will burn more calories than those just consumed.

Green tea

Consider drinking green tea rather than coffee. Coffee has more caffeine which leaves you less hydrated. In contrast, green tea helps to accelerate your body’s metabolism which in turn sees you burn more calories while at the same time speeding up the rate at which the body uses fat deposits.

The next time you want to rush out of the door without taking breakfast, remember the adverse effects of weight gain associated with skipping breakfast. This should persuade you to prepare any of the breakfast foods mentioned above.

Planning your meals when trying to lose weight may look and sound easy, but in reality, you have to consider a couple of things. Why? Because when you are trying to achieve a suitable meal plan perfect for your weight loss journey, you are not just simply choosing foods. Rather, you have to select those that are healthy and meet the nutritional needs of your body.

To kick-start your meal-planning journey towards better health and weight loss, we have written a few tips that you can use in conjunction with a weight loss program in Singapore.

Know how much calories you need to take per day
It is important to know how much calories per day you need in order to sustain your body and help you have the energy to function. You can determine your recommended daily intake by researching or for more accurate data, by consulting a professional. Once you already know your recommended daily intake, it becomes much easier to plan down your meals.

Determine your budget
Trying to lose weight can be a bit expensive but it will definitely pay off in the end. The next thing that you have to consider when planning your meal is your budget. Sometimes, healthy food costs a lot more expensive than the food we eat every day. Spending more on healthier food will be money well spent as you will increase your chances of avoiding diseases further down the road, saving on potential health costs.

Collect recipes
The easiest way to plan your meals is to research your recipes and know its ingredients. Find recipes that you think are most suitable for you and your needs, and start working from there. Also, determining which recipes you want to recreate for a specific week can save you time planning and you can worry less about what to eat. Another benefit from having recipes planned ahead is that you already know which groceries you need.

Know your portions
Knowing your portions is an effective way to track how much you have eaten. To keep you on track for your weight loss journey, knowing how much you should have for each type of food is important. This keeps you in the know about the number of calories each serving contains.

Choose alternatives
To prevent your taste buds from getting tired of the same food every day, consider planning alternatives every now and then. Surely, there are various options available in the market or grocery shops that you can work on. It is important to have variety because it is something that makes meal planning exciting. You will look forward to your meals more if they contain a big variety of tastes and culinary styles. It is also more likely for you to stick with your weight loss meals.

These are five of the most important meal planning tips that you can consider. Have fun planning your meals and good luck on your weight loss journey!

You have already enrolled in one of the best weight loss programs in Singapore, and you have your meals planned ahead. Your dedication to losing weight is total. However, there are just some days where you are tempted to break the cycle and cheat on your routine. Going on a weight loss program is a tough thing to do if you do not have the determination and discipline to continue.

While it is okay to go on a cheat day every now and then, there are still some things that you want to consider to avoid making a mistake. Why? A single mistake can send you back to square one and that is the last thing you want to happen.

Most people who go on diets tend to make several mistakes, thinking that it is okay to occasionally skimp on their normal routines. Keep in mind that it is important to stick to a routine as much as possible. This is in order to achieve the most favorable results.

Below are several common mistakes people who go on a weight loss journey sometimes do.

Neglecting the essential nutrients instead of eating healthy.

Most diets are usually very tricky because they make you skimp on nutrients that essentially fuel the body. Proteins, fats, and carbohydrates are nutrients that generally give your body energy to function. Skipping or cutting a chunk of calories from your diet can trick your body in losing weight but you will eventually gain them all back, making you gain more than what you intended to lose. In order to shed pounds, the right way to do it is to eat healthy. You have to balance each and every portion so you don’t take anything in excess. Excess calories are those that turn into and stored as fat when not used as energy.

Depriving yourself of food.

If you really want to be unsuccessful in losing weight, depriving yourself of food in a sure fire way to do it. You need to eat healthily and stop depriving yourself of eating something you love every once in a while. It is one way to actually achieve a successful weight loss journey. If you deprive yourself, chances are you become unsatisfied with what you are doing leading you to binge more on food at the end of the day.

Over drinking of water.

While water is good for keeping a body healthy because it flush toxins out of the system, over drinking poses a great danger to it too. You have to drink water if you must and drink some additional cups in order to meet your daily requirements. However, drinking too much water in a short period of time could lead to a severe drop in sodium levels in your body. This could be fatal in extreme cases and something you should avoid.

Going on fasts or skipping meals.

Depriving yourself of meals and not getting enough calories per day can not only compromise your body functions, but it is also very unhealthy. Aside from you are depriving yourself of nutrients, you will also consume more calories the next time eat. The reason for this is that your body feels that it needs more than necessary since it had not been properly nourished during the previous meal.

Ever heard of eating fats to lose weight?

Yes, you’ve read it right and no, we are not kidding you. However, you have to be careful when choosing which sources you are getting your fat intake from. You must do an adequate amount of research in order to make sure that whatever kind of food you are about to include in your diet is healthy. One thing to consider when selecting a food is to determine whether it can bring you more benefits than harm.

Now, to give you some ideas about famous food choices that are high in healthy fats, we are about to give you the down low on Avocados.

Why Avocados?

Avocados are great source of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and fats. Apart from the nutrient it contains, Avocados are also very low in calories, yet they can provide sufficient energy to your cells. Avocados also contain antioxidants that detoxify our bodies. The fat that avocados contain are not actually ‘bad’ fats, but they are rather nutritious. It is a type of monounsaturated fat called oleic acid, which is known to decrease blood pressure.

Can Avocados Really Help in Dieting?

Fiber-rich foods and those that contain high amounts of fat can make you feel sated quickly, making avocado a great choice when you are on a diet. Fibers and fats get digested really slowly and that is why you feel full for a longer time. Recent studies have shown that avocados can affect a person’s appetite as well. When these effects combine, it can lead to a favourable outcome of weight loss while reducing your waistline. Aside from weight loss benefits, avocados are very rich in antioxidants. These antioxidants get rid of free radicals from your body so you always feel clean and fresh.

It controls your sugar craving.

Aside from being packed with antioxidants, avocados are also known to tame your blood sugar levels as well as your craving for sweet food. In a recent study conducted by Diabetes Care, individuals who consume Avocados regularly have the lowest development of diabetes over a span of ten years. Another great thing about Avocados is that it lessens your food cravings, especially for sugar.


Avocados are great for dieting as long as you consume only a reasonable amount of them. However, too much of a good thing can be bad for you. It has been proven to be weight loss friendly and they do not necessarily contribute to gaining weight as long as you balance out your food intake. In fact, incorporating avocados to some of the best weight loss programs in Singapore can help you achieve your desired weight.

Avocados give you a lot of health benefits to help maintain not only your weight but also you overall wellbeing.

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