Image is everything. Your outward appearance most time tells the world the type of person you are and will most likely determine how they will treat you. Most people – although wrongly – form first impressions depending on how you dress or the price tag on your apparel but image transcends all that.

Having a right image means that you not only look awesome and smell good, but you exude confidence and a positive attitude when you walk into a room. The mental part of a right image is what many people lack and you have to believe that you look good before others can concur and treat you the way you would want.

You have to be confident in the way you look, and for many this begins with your body and the shape you are in, slim or chubby, tall or short. In today’s generation many people love the lean and well-toned body type, but it’s not easy to achieve. There are many methods to use to make your goal amongst them diet. In this article, we’ll look at how cumin seed oil can help you out in your weight loss journey.

Digestion & Cleansing
Your body is an intricate system of organs that work day to day in collaboration with each other to ensure you are in tip-top shape. The digestive system contributes greatly to the condition your body is in at the moment. When the digestive system is working well, you will find yourself eating less and at the recommended time without any complications like stomach ulcers and constipation. Cumin seed oil assists to clean your digestive system and get rid of any impurities that may be present so that you do not experience any complications. You must also remember to consume a balanced diet and regulate your portions to maintain healthy body weight.

Stress Anxiety
You might have come across the term ‘stress eating’ a few times when you’ve visited the World Wide Web to research on matters weight. In simple terms, it refers to a coping mechanism to stress where an individual chooses to relieve it by eating, and this is usually junk food. If you are one who pleads guilty to stress eating now and then, then one of the solutions to lose weight for you is relieving stress differently. Cumin oil is well known to aid in calming nerves and has also been proven to help in the treatment of convulsions and other anxiety disorders you may be experiencing.

Many people who claim to be uncomfortable with their body and general physical appearance do not have an obesity problem. Many people are just not toned enough in the right places, or rather where they think they have a problem. Toning means that you focus on reducing your body fat percentage in a specific area and building muscle in its place. Cumin seed oil can assist greatly in this endeavour. Complement it with the best weight loss program in singapore and you will be happy with your appearance.

Nutrition & Immunity
Sometimes your body can be in bad shape simply because it is not getting enough nutrients and its immune system is down. Cumin seed oil is known to be a rich source of iron, and it helps in strengthening your immune system so that you can effectively fight off diseases. Iron is essential because of its role in making haemoglobin. Haemoglobin is responsible for transporting oxygen to various body parts, and if it lacks, you might not receive the recommended amount. If you embark on any exercise or any weight loss program, make sure your iron intake is boosted by some cumin. When you exercise, your body needs a lot of oxygen to burn the fat and maintain your endurance.

These are a few of how cumin seed oil is beneficial for you if you are looking to shed off a few pounds from the weighing scale. Cumin is taken in many forms from oil to powder form and even in pill form, all depending on what you want to achieve and the amount you want. Always remember to consult your physician before you make any drastic changes to your diet or routine for your well-being.

Intermittent fasting is not just a diet, but a whole dieting pattern. People consciously decide to skip their meals for the purpose of losing weight in lesser time. Under this regimen, you specify a certain time of the day in which you consume the required number of calories. This practice is known as feasting. Most of the day people remain with an empty stomach. There are many benefits of doing intermittent fastening and is considered as one of the best slimming treatments.

There are different ways you can make the most out of intermittent fasting. The following are some of the types of fasting, so you can easily find a dieting pattern that is suitable and healthy for you.

16/8 Protocol
In this type of intermittent fasting protocol, you need to fast for 16 hours and you can eat within an 8-hour window. For example, you can eat from 12 PM to 8PM then you have to fast from 8PM to 12PM next noon. Some people fast for 18 hours and eat in a 6-hour window, while others fast for 20 hours and eat in a 4-hour window, so it basically depends on your needs and dedication to lose weight. In this type of fasting routine, you have to skip breakfast and dinner and eat one meal in a day.

24 Hour Protocol
In this intermittent fasting protocol, you need to skip two meals in a day. It means that you do not eat for 24 hours. For example, if you have dinner at 9 PM, the next time you will eat is 9PM the next day. Usually, a person eats 3 meals a day, occasionally skipping a meal every now and then. But when you are not eating for a whole day, you need to make a proper schedule so that you do not get weak due to extensive fasting. It is not recommended to fast for 24 hours consecutively for 3 days a week.  This method is also known as 5:2 because you fast for 2 days a week and feast for 5 days. Some of the best weight loss programs in Singapore use this method to help their clients in losing weight and to have a fit body.

Eat Stop Eat
Another commonly used intermittent fasting regimen that is often recognised as one of singapore best weight loss programs, is the Eat Stop Eat. This dieting pattern is very similar to the 5:2 pattern as it includes one or two whole days of fasting in a week. During the fasting period, no food should be consumed, only zero-calorie drinks can be consumed. This type of dieting pattern gives the freedom to eat any kind of food during the fasting period, and without restriction. Professionals advise to still eat mindfully during feasting days so that you can lose weight in lesser time.

It’s common knowledge that the unwanted weight our bodies carry is a result of fatty deposits. In order to lose some of it, we make use of many different methods. These include exercising, dieting, or even slimming treatment such as fat reduction. Dieting is perhaps the most important as controlling what we are placing in our bodies will determine what our bodies become. As they say, you are what you eat. So, for those of you who are currently partaking in a weight loss program in Singapore, here are five diets you may want to look at.

Vegan diet
Many of you may already be familiar with the vegan diet. Veganism, as it is called, excludes any product of an animal, whether it be meat, dairy products, or eggs. People often follow a vegan diet as it conforms to their moral code, but you may consider it as it has been proven to result in weight loss. Vegans tend to have a lower body mass index than those who do not follow the vegan diet. This is attributed to the fact that vegans restrict themselves to foods that have fewer calories.

The paleo diet makes use of a wide range of nutritional food items, in balanced amounts. The paleo diet encourages the consumption of protein from animal sources such as lean meat, and seafood. This is important as protein satisfies your stomach, and prevents excessive snacking between meals. The paleo diet also consists of adequate amounts of fruit, vegetables, and nuts, while it restricts dairy foods, grains, and processed food. Not only does this assist in weight loss, but can help prevent strokes and heart diseases.

The keto diet takes its name from ketosis, a metabolic state our body carries out when we consume less food. It’s important to note that this diet doesn’t require you to starve yourself. Instead, it decreases the number of carbohydrates you consume. Carbohydrates serve as the prime source of energy in our body. When there are fewer amounts of carbohydrates being consumed, our body makes use of the fat deposits in our body for energy, resulting in weight loss.

Atkin’s diet
Nutritionist Robert Atkin served as the brain behind this popular diet that is used in singapore best weight loss program. The keto diet is similar to this diet. You force your body to make use of its fat reserves, by restricting the amount of sugar and carbohydrates being taken in. Moreover, this diet does not require a reduction in calorie intake and leaves you feeling full after every meal.

Raw food diet
The raw food diet consists of food that is neither processed nor cooked. The objective is to avoid the chemical supplements often found in today’s market food. People who follow this diet often restrict themselves to fruits, vegetables, and nuts. Not only does this help you gain a lean figure, but it also prevents nutrient deficiencies.

So there it is; five diets to help you gain the figure you want!

If you want to lose weight in a healthy manner, you should start by eating fibre rich foods along with lots of protein. This way you can easily reduce your calorie intake without reducing your food intake. Foods high in protein and fibre have lesser calories and you can eat lots of food without getting fat. At the same time, avoid only eating protein bars or shakes; eating real food helps make you feel fuller for a longer time.

The following are a few foods that help in making you feel fuller for longer so you do not have to eat a lot of food:

All nuts are healthy as they consist of good fatty acids, essential vitamins and antioxidants. But pistachios are considered the healthiest of them all as they have the lowest fat content and consist of very few calories. Apart from that, they are very healthy for your cardiovascular system because the fats in pistachios are monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, which help reduce the risk of heart diseases.

Non-Starchy Vegetables
There is no such thing as zero calorie food. Vegetables like carrots, cucumber, zucchini, broccoli, cabbage and celery contain calories, even if it is a minuscule number and a large portion of water and fibre. Foods that are rich in fibre also help you feel fuller for a longer time. This is the main reason the best slimming treatment consists of eating lots of non-starchy vegetables.   

Another type of food that helps you lose weight in a healthy manner is dairy products. They consist of healthy nutrients like probiotics. Some dairy products make you hungrier while cheese helps you remain fuller for a longer time. Calcium in cheese helps you lose weight as it helps in producing more muscle mass. It also helps in boosting and maintaining your metabolism, hence burning calories efficiently. Most of the diet plans from the best weight loss programs in singapore will include cheese.

If you have a sweet tooth and often find yourself binging on foods like brownies and ice-cream, try switching to raspberries. They are rich in fibre and consist of only 60 calories. Moreover, you can also make smoothies or add them in your salad. Raspberries are a great source of vitamin C and antioxidants that help in getting rid of cancer-causing radicals.  

Greek Yogurt
Another healthy snack that you should add to your diet is Greek yogurt. It is a great source of protein. Compared to plain yogurt, it has double the amount of protein. Apart from that, a single bowl can provide you with 20% of your daily requirement of calcium. To make Greek yogurt more exciting, you can always add in a few fruits, nuts or whole grain cereal. This way you can eat food that is low in sugar and high in fibre. If you are not a fan of Greek yogurt you can always eat 2% yogurt as it is creamier but without the additional calories as full-fat yoghurt.

These are some of the foods that keep you full and satisfied for a long time as they are rich in fibre. This is the main reason there are fixtures of diet plans from any weight loss program in Singapore.

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