Did you know that your weight can fluctuate between 1 and 5 pounds throughout the day?

What’s troubling is that most people actually succumb to the slight deceptions of the scale. They end up feeling bad about themselves and that their effective slimming treatment plan is not working. They would be even more saddened if they were already following the best weight loss program in Singapore and are not achieving their desired results.

The scale does not always give a clear picture of your weight. There are actually several factors which contribute to the fluctuation of your weight.

What are the causes of weight fluctuation during the day?

1. Water retention

People seldom consider that the amount of water in their body can contribute to weight fluctuations. The amount of water found in your body depends on the fluids you consume, the amount of exercise you partake in and your metabolic activity.

These processes could either increase or decrease the amount of water in your body. Foods that are high in sodium increase the amount of water in the body. However, studies have also shown that exercise can make you lose about 25 to 45 ounces of fluid.

This constant changes in the amount of water in your body significantly contributes to your fluctuating weight loss.

2. Food weight

Food weight is possibly the reason why most people weigh more at night.

Eating a heavy dinner loaded with calories can alter your weight significantly. So take note just in case you want to weigh yourself before you sleep.

If you find out that you weigh more than you previously weighed earlier in the day right after eating, there is no need to worry. It could just be the weight of the undigested food causing the changes.

3. Hormonal fluctuations

Most body activities are regulated by hormones. From water reabsorption within the tubules of kidney nephrons to the digestion and assimilation of food within the gut.

The hormone commonly known for fluctuating levels is the stress hormone, cortisol. Cortisol is a potent stimulator of appetite and has been linked to increased body weight.

This hormone is the reason why certain people called “stress eaters” tend to eat a lot of calories when they are stressed.

4. Medications

Certain medications are associated with weight loss.

Classic examples are diuretics that are used to manage hypertension. They increase water loss and can potentially make you dehydrated.

If you are concerned that your weight loss is due to the medication you are taking, do NOT stop your medication. Instead, talk to your doctor and inquire if he can prescribe another medication with a similar mechanism of action.


Weight monitoring is a challenging task, especially when you factor in these causes of weight fluctuation.

You can save yourself unnecessary frustrations, especially when you consider your weight loss plan to be an effective treatment for slimming in Singapore.

Use the same scale every time you weigh yourself, weighing yourself at almost the same time every day and weighing yourself regularly.

Regular monitoring of your weight doesn’t mean that you should weigh yourself every day. In fact, if you weigh yourself daily, there’s a higher chance you will fail to notice the changes in your weight. Don’t forget to contact your doctor when you are unsure about the state of your health.

There is no doubt that weight loss is perhaps one of the most sought-after topics in this generation. In one way or another, you may consider losing weight.

The most compelling reasons for venturing into weight loss are either recommendations by your doctor or for aesthetic purposes like looking good.

Regardless of the circumstances, losing weight requires a lot of effort, dedication and consistency to start noticing results.

There are quite a few factors to determine how long it takes to see weight loss results. But when do people usually notice weight loss?

With most weight loss diet plans, you should notice some results within 1 to 2 weeks. Here are factors which determine the time it takes to notice weight loss:

1. Starting size

Most people actually start considering weight loss when they are already obese.

In some cases, non-obese individuals who want to be extra petite may also want to lose weight.

Initially, obese people lose a lot of fat, though they may not notice it at the start. Non-obese people, on the other hand, are more likely to notice results.

2. Type of diet

In weight loss, exercise only contributes to about 20% of the results. The remaining 80% depends on your diet. To kickstart your weight loss regime, apply food restrictions within the first week.

Depending on the diet plan you choose, it is during this first-week period that you can lose as much as five pounds. This huge change in body weight is easily noticeable, and results are different if you don’t adhere to a particular diet plan.

3. How often you weigh yourself

People venture into weight loss for a variety of reasons. Some want to fit into a particular clothing size, change the appearance of specific body parts or prevent the risk of developing heart disease.

Irrespective of the reason, you may feel the urge to weigh yourself often. However, most scales cannot pick out minor changes.

If you are not consistent, you may fail to notice that you have lost a significant amount of weight until your clothes start to fit.

You should not weigh yourself frequently but wait for a considerable duration of 1 to 2 weeks before weighing yourself.


When it comes to weight loss, each person has different results.

The best slimming treatment in Singapore that works for one person may not necessarily work for another person.

Besides, there are several factors to determine how long it takes for you to start noticing weight loss. This means that the answer to the question of how long, is not definite. It can be shorter for some people and longer for other people.

It is always advised to consider getting yourself a coach or a personal trainer for your weight loss program. Although you could do it on your own, the results are far much easier to achieve if you are trained by a professional.

Some people continuously put in the effort to lose weight successfully. And in doing so, some effective slimming treatments may be forgotten.

There is nothing wrong with this because it’s better to maintain your ideal body weight than reach obesity. However, some nutrients are often overlooked when planning your diet menu.

It is essential to include nutrients like these 6 in your diet for a healthy weight loss:

1. Vitamin C

Vitamin C helps the body absorb iron and acts as an antioxidant. They also help multiply cell function. Vitamin C helps the body metabolise fat.

Vitamin C helps the body absorb iron and acts as an antioxidant. It also helps multiply cell function and metabolises body fat. Hence, having a lack of Vitamin C makes it more challenging to lose weight.

Some foods that contain vitamin C are oranges, lemons, peppers, peppers, strawberries, and others.

2. Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 helps the body convert food into energy.

It also aids in the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that functions to regulate the mood.

If you are continually craving unhealthy snacks, it indicates that your body’s serotine levels are low. Replenish your serotine levels with foods like oats and nuts.

3. Calcium

Calcium is believed to help cells fulfil their maximum potential including increasing your metabolism and digesting food better.

Taking recommended amounts of calcium can also help you lose weight. Regulate your calcium levels by eating foods like tofu, yoghurt and cheese.

4. Zinc and protein

Zinc is one of the most essential minerals found in our body. Consuming foods and drinks that contain zinc and are high in protein will help increase satiety.

Decrease constant hunger pangs by eating foods containing zinc and high protein levels. They can be found in foods like seafood, eggs and nuts.

5. Magnesium

Magnesium is one of the nutrients often excluded from a diet menu.

Magnesium can help you lose weight by maintaining your eating schedule and helping you burn to fat even without exercise.

You can find Magnesium in foods such as green vegetables, whole grains, and yoghurt.

6. Fibre

Fibre is a portion of food that tends to be low in calories. High-fibre foods would be more filling than low-fibre diets, curbing your cravings to eat more.

Eat high-fibre foods to eat less but intake more nutrients. You can find high-fibre foods in corn, kidney beans, avocados, edamame beans, brown rice, whole wheat, pears, oatmeal, apples, and broccoli.

Even with this list of nutrients that you should take, you still have to choose your food carefully.

Don’t consume too much red meat or processed meat. Despite having protein in beef, overeating on meat will only add to your weight. So, from now on, keep track of your food and drink intake. To lose weight, remember to adjust your diet plan to include the nutrients your body needs.

When your body lacks certain nutrients, it will send signals such as stiffening muscles, pins and needs in your legs, the need to drink and eat ice constantly, and corners of your lips cracking.

Besides making a diet change and including more nutritious foods, it’s also a good idea to look for the best weight loss program in Singapore for you.

If you are considering a weight loss program or trying to find the best slimming treatment in Singapore, start with your meals. Breakfast is one thing that will help set the tempo for the rest of your day.

Because, let’s face it; if you decide to take the wrong type of food in the morning, you may subject yourself to unnecessary cravings throughout the day which will consequently lead to your weight loss plan failing.

Use the right foods to fill yourself up during breakfast, and you will curb the possibilities of unnecessary cravings. A constant feeling of fullness will help reduce your snacking and help you achieve weight loss more quickly.

Here are 3 healthy breakfast ideas you can consider for an effective slimming treatment:

  • Eggs

Eggs are the real powerhouses of nutrition. They are high in protein and are rich in several vitamins such as riboflavin and essential minerals like selenium.

Eggs help in boosting weight loss as their rich protein content curbs one’s appetite for more food after breakfast.

A study which was set to determine the impact of eggs on overweight premenopausal women concluded that eggs increase metabolism and reduce appetite. This mechanism is a perfect combination for a healthy breakfast diet.

  • Bananas

If you want to satisfy your cravings in the morning, then bananas are the go-to servings you need.

Although they are very rich in fibre, bananas are characteristically low in calories. As a result, they are the perfect alternative to other sugary breakfast options.

Consider this: a single medium banana contains just about 100 calories, yet it is loaded with about 3 grams of dietary fibre. With a serving of this alone, you literally fulfilled in one shot, about 12% of the fibre you need per day.

The reason why you need sufficient fibre in your weight loss diet is that they help slow down your stomach emptying. Hence, it helps curbs food cravings as it keeps you feeling full longer.

What’s more, is that unripe bananas are loaded with a special type of starch called resistant starch. This starch cannot be digested by the stomach and intestines. According to studies, resistant starch reduces food intake and decreases the amount of fat likely to accumulate in your belly.

  • Yoghurt

Who can resist yoghurt? This creamy and delicious yet satisfying product is considered an excellent weight loss diet addition.

Studies have lauded yoghurt for its ability to add a tremendous amount of protein to your diet in each serving. Being extremely rich in protein makes it an ideal weight loss food option for breakfast.

A 2016 study published to the National Centre for Biotechnology Information (NBI) journal categorically states that consuming at least seven weekly servings of yoghurt can significantly reduce the risk of being overweight and obese in adults.

Another study concluded that women snacking on high protein yoghurt have reduced hunger levels and a smaller intake of food by up to 100 calories in a day. Hence, this makes yoghurt highly convenient for weight loss in comparison to other snacks like crackers or chocolate.


Before you begin your search for the best slimming treatment in Singapore, a healthy breakfast is an excellent way to start in your journey to healthy weight loss. To stay full longer, you need a breakfast diet that is high in protein and rich in fibre. Begin your day on the right foot with these 3 healthy breakfast ideas of eggs, bananas and yoghurt.

However, your weight loss ventures should not stop with a healthy breakfast diet. You should carefully monitor your food intake, not only during breakfast but also for the rest of your meals.

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