What do you do when you realize that you need to lose weight but you don’t have the time to beast up in the gym? Here come slimming treatments that will help you flatten your tummy, make your things a little firmer and also help reduce the fat in your body.

Find out more about 3 of the most popular body treatments in Singapore that people are enthusiastic about:

1. Fat melting procedure

This procedure is also known as lunchtime lipo and involves heating and bursting fat cells in the body using ultrasound. The liquid fat cells are now called triglycerides which your body eliminates using the normal usually biological methods.

The procedure has the advantage of being painless and is known to be very relaxing because the ultrasound machine has a massage head. It helps to remove some localized area of fat that has been bothering you and help you achieve the ideal figure by eliminating excess fat.

2. Svelt system cream

This procedure involves the use of a cream which is applied to the areas you think are problematic. After application, the cream is then massaged gently to help in tackling fatty zones, cellulite and loose skin.

This formula was developed to help restore and/or boost the elasticity of the skin. It also reduces the bumps on the skin and makes your skin have a silky-smooth appearance. It works following a regular application and is one of the few treatments for slimming fast without requiring so much muscle and time.

3. TCM slimming

This TCM slimming technique is a detox procedure that helps tone your skin and drain excess fluid from your body. It is used mostly for tackling cellulite and to shape your hips and thighs. The procedure is done by a therapist who uses slimming techniques to increase circulation of Qi all over the body.

The technique is effective and convenient though it may be ticklish or uncomfortable to some. It helps to reduce water tension, detox the body of toxins and enhance overall metabolism, which can support your weight loss journey.

At Slim Couture, you can lose weight healthily and maintain long-lasting results without worrying about negative side effects. We specialise in TCM slimming that offer the best weight loss program for you while improving your overall well-being.

Losing weight is not about making you hungry and starved, as it would be detrimental to your health. The overall desirable effect can be achieved by a weight loss plan that will significantly reduce your appetite, enable you to lose weight fast without starving while also helping you to boost your metabolism.

We have outlined the three ways on how to lose weight fast:

1. Reduce your intake of sugars and starch

Although most people don’t realize it, studies have shown that losing weight is contributed more by diet rather than exercise.

The problem with most people who want to lose weight is that they go to the gym or workouts in the evening, but when they come back home, they eat more calories than the amount they burned during exercise.

This is zero work done.

To lose weight fast, checking your diet comes first on the list. For a start, avoid eating a lot of sugars and starch.

This way, you will start eating fewer calories and your body will respond by burning your stored body fat to produce the energy you need. Subsequently, your fat reserves will start reducing and you will lose weight quite fast.

Another mechanism is that low carbs reduce the levels of the hormone insulin in your blood. As a result, your kidneys will respond by excreting a lot of sodium and water which then helps you lose the unnecessary weight contributed by excess water in the body.

Besides making changes to your diet, you can also join a weight loss program in Singapore to gain more progress in your weight loss results.

2. Indulge more in proteins, vegetables and fat

Now, what do you do after you’ve cut back on sugars and starch? What should you eat?

To avoid getting hungry and stopping the process, eat proteins such as meat, seafood and eggs; vegetables that are low in carbs such as broccoli, spinach, cabbage, cucumber, lettuce and kale and fat from natural sources such as olive oil, avocado oil, coconut oil and butter.

Most people assume that avoiding both carbs and fats is the go-to procedure for losing weight. However, this is just a recipe for failure.

3. Attend the gym at least 3 times weekly

Working out does not contribute significantly to weight loss when compared to diet, though it is still useful by 15%.

With a good gym trainer, you can do some bodily exercises to help you burn some calories. Exercise should go together with diet, lest you consume more calories than you are burning and build up more weight.

If you don’t want to lift weights, you can try running, swimming, taking walks or just cycling around the neighbourhood.


It is possible to lose weight fast by just cutting back on sugar and starch whilst relying on vegetables, proteins and fat. A little exercise every week will also suffice for desirable outcomes. For guaranteed results, you can sign up for slimming treatment packages and be guided with a professional in your weight loss journey.

For centuries now, traditional Chinese medicine has contributed significantly to the understanding of how the human body works and how to use natural remedies to help boost the efficiency of our biological processes.

Traditional Chinese medicine is not only limited to the treatment of disease, but also focuses on a holistic approach to health – the state of physical, social, and psychological wellbeing.

Though one question still stands out:

Does Chinese medicine help with weight loss?

The shortest answer to this question is, Yes!

But here is the long version: to understand how this works, you should first know the types of Chinese medicine.

Types of Traditional Chinese medicine

1. Acupuncture

Acupuncture is perhaps one of the well-known components of traditional Chinese medicine. The procedure involves the strategic insertion of needles in different parts of your body. It is commonly used to manage pain and stress but can also boost your overall health.

2. Moxibustion

Moxibustion is a treatment therapy which involves the burning of a spongy plant material known as moxa as close as possible to the skin. It is believed that the burning moxa can induce healing by promoting the flow of life force, qi, into the right places of the body.

3. Tui na

This technique is pronounced as “Twee naw” and simply translates to “pinch and pull”. It is a therapeutic massage that is mostly used in combination with other TCM procedures such as acupuncture.

4. Qi gong

It is one of the oldest TCM techniques and involves specific dance moves. The mechanism is believed to be based on the principle that focusing attention to certain areas can make the life force, qi, to flow in those areas.

5. Herbal medication

This section of TCM has contributed significantly to natural health. It involves the use of several different plants, animal products and minerals in various formulas to treat the human body.

How TCM weight loss works

There are certain benefits of TCM that have been backed by research. For instance, it has been found that acupuncture is a preferred TCM for weight loss especially among individuals who are overweight with a BMI of between 25 and 30.

Studies also show that a combination of both moxibustion and acupuncture is associated with a significant reduction in bad cholesterol and also inhibits the accumulation of fat in the body.

Tai chi, another component of TCM that is more like qi gong has been proven to be just as effective as walking, jogging or cycling. It helps as a slimming treatment that loses a significant amount of weight. It also helps in improving your mood and boosting the quality of your sleep which are direct influencers of weight.

Popular Chinese herbs that are used in TCM such as angelica root, goji and Panax ginseng are known to help in losing weight. They work by either enhancing your performance in exercise or stimulating the breakdown of fats.


It is true that TCM weight loss programs are effective in the management of weight. You just have to select the one that works best for you and stick by it. However, you should ensure that you obtain TCM services from a qualified professional and seek their advice on the type of TCM method that’s best to help you achieve your weight loss goal.

Millions of dollars are spent on diet and exercise programs in the West in an effort to lose weight. However, weight loss is not just about regulating your intake of calories and shedding excess weight, it is also about taking care of your overall health.

Frankly, what we are missing in weight loss programs is a crucial piece of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the element on how our body functions, which perfectly fits the jig-saw puzzle of weight loss. This crucial element is energy. And we are not talking about the energy you obtain from food, but the responsible for your vitality, your well-being and controls the functioning of the body.

Our ability to lose significant amount of weight and maintain a healthy weight is enhanced by the strength and balance of this energy.

What is qi

According to TCM, this energy is called “qi”, pronounced as chee. TCM weight loss programs in Singapore use movement activities, diets, acupuncture, herbs and meditation to achieve its definition of health – building and conserving energy of qi.

When there is abundant qi within our body, our organs and systems function properly to maintain our health.

But how does qi help with weight loss? According to TCM weight loss, losing weight does not solely depend on the regulation of calorie intake. It focuses mainly on channeling, fortifying, nourishing and sustaining qi.

Qi then helps in raising and boosting metabolism which then improves weight loss. It is by far one of the best slimming treatments Singaporeans can try out.

Factors that weaken qi

Stress is the major factor that weakens qi. However, other emotional imbalances, poor quality and quantity of sleep, as well as poor diet are known to reduce qi. These factors tend to make the body depleted, hence a barrier to letting go of weight. You end up with low energy and increased cravings for food.

How to enhance your qi

1. Avoid changing dietary regimen too often

This strategy is particularly important to those with a weakened digestive system. When your digestive system is weak, you tend to suffer from unnecessary bloating, excessive gas, and feeling sluggish after eating. Try to figure out foods that make you feel this way and avoid them.

2. Eat foods full of qi

Eat plenty of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, organic meats and legumes because they are full of qi. You should also try and avoid eating refined, artificial or packaged foods.

3. Follow your body’s clock

Your biological clock controls a lot of processes in the body. The chief of these processes is sleep. If you follow the natural rhythm of your body, you are likely to improve in your energy, boost your digestion and maintain a healthy state of mind.


Weight loss is not just about limiting calorie intake and increasing protein intake. You should also keep your body in check and your system working in good condition. By focusing on your qi as indicated by TCM, you basically indulge in a holistic effective slimming treatment approach to achieving weight loss.

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