Losing weight is a common goal, but it’s one that’s often difficult to achieve. There are many different approaches to weight loss, and it can be tough to know which is right for you.

If you’re looking for an alternative to fad diets and quick-fix solutions, you may want to try Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). TCM is an alternative medical practice that’s been used for centuries to treat a variety of conditions. It’s based on the principle of balance and takes a holistic approach to health. In this article, let’s explore 4 tips that you can incorporate into your weight loss treatment.

Note: It’s important to seek professional medical advice from a doctor before making big changes to your health, as everyone’s eating habits and diet plans are distinct.

1. Cut back on refined carbs

Carbohydrates are a primary source of energy, and they’re an essential part of a balanced diet. However, refined carbohydrates, such as white bread, white rice, and white pasta, aren’t very nutritious. They’re digested quickly and don’t provide your body with lasting energy. Instead, they’re quickly broken down into sugar, which can cause your blood sugar levels to rise.

Over time, frequent carb consumption can lead to increased insulin resistance, which is a risk factor for many health conditions, including type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome. Cutting back on refined carbs can help aid the process when trying to shed some weight with TCM.

2. Reduce packed food from your diet

Many processed foods, such as sweets and biscuits, contain added sugar. A high sugar diet can lead to health problems, such as weight gain and type 2 diabetes. If you’re trying to lose weight with TCM, one of the best things you can do is reduce the amount of processed food you consume. It’s also essential to increase the amount of fresh, unprocessed food in your diet, such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and legumes. You can also try healthy cooking methods, such as steaming or stewing fruits and vegetables and boiling legumes.

3. Increase fibre content in your diet

When trying to lose weight, it’s crucial to maintain a healthy balance between eating too little and too much. A healthy diet will provide you with the necessary nutrients to stay healthy and active while keeping your calories in check.

Increasing your fibre intake is one adjustment you can make when trying to lose weight with TCM. A high-fibre diet can help you to feel full more quickly, and it can also help to maintain healthy blood sugar levels.

4. Minimise distractions and concentrate on your diet plan

Weight loss requires a certain level of consistency. You need to make healthy eating a part of your daily routine and exercise regularly. Unfortunately, many individuals become distracted and don’t maintain their healthy diet and exercise plan long enough to experience actual results.

It’s easy to lose motivation when attempting to lose weight, so it’s crucial to minimise distractions. While social media is harmless, overusing it can lead to a sense of comparison. If that occurs, take a step back and indulge in a social media detox.

It’s also vital to maintain a positive mindset. When you think about your transformation as a process instead of a one-time event, it will be easier to maintain motivation. Focus on all the progress you’ve already made, not the progress you still need to make.


Remember that losing weight is no easy feat and that you’re not alone if you’re having trouble with this element of your life. Many people also find it difficult to follow a regular diet or exercise routine to attain their goals!

With TCM, there are many ways to help you lose weight, such as incorporating dietary changes, losing weight through exercise, and improving your overall health. TCM also has alternative methods to losing weight, such as increasing blood flow to your face to help reduce the appearance of fat and wrinkles!

Our programs at Slim Couture combine TCM weight loss concepts with health and fitness to ensure you achieve your desired outcomes. Maximise the benefits of your diet and exercise routine with our individualised, one-on-one approach, which will help you achieve your objectives. Drop us a message today to get started!

Being healthy shouldn’t be an unnecessary expense. More importantly, it shouldn’t be expensive as there are natural ways to lose weight and keep yourself healthy. For one, you can take advantage of TCM slimming techniques that make losing weight more manageable and beneficial.

However, if you feel like you’ve poured your wallet out on all kinds of diet plans, home gym equipment, and gym membership fees yet are still dissatisfied with the results, there may be something preventing you from getting in your desired shape. There may be an underlying medical condition that may be hindering your weight loss journey.

The best course of action to determine whether this is true for you or not is to consult a doctor. Some of the most common health conditions that may be hindering you from losing as much weight as possible include the following:

  • Hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism is a condition where the thyroid gland is underactive, thus producing fewer thyroid hormones which are needed in the proper functioning of all the cells in your body. When the thyroid gland slows down or becomes underactive, everything else follows, including your metabolism. This makes it difficult for individuals to lose weight. On top of that, hypothyroidism can also make people feel sluggish, lethargic, overfatigued, depressed, and unable to concentrate and experience severe PMS.

  • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

PCOS is one of the major causes of infertility in females. Women diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome can have difficulty conceiving because their ovaries fail to ovulate frequently, resulting in less frequent menstrual periods. Aside from making it harder for women to get pregnant, PCOS can also cause many other medical debilitating conditions, including type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, sleep apnoea, and stroke. Moreover, it makes your body resistant to insulin, promoting fat storage and making you hungry all the time, causing weight gain.

  • Inflammation and Cellular Damage

Inflammation occurs naturally inside the body as it fights infections and heals from injuries. However, chronic inflammation is not normal. This condition may be caused by smoking, certain prescription medications, air pollution, and food, including wheat, dairy, and sugar. If the issue is not treated immediately, it can cause cellular damage, impairing normal bodily functions. Additionally, it can cause difficulty in losing weight.

  • Cushing’s Syndrome

This disorder occurs when the body makes too much cortisol, the hormone that helps your body cope with stress, over a long period. Cushing’s Syndrome affects metabolism, preventing food from turning into what it’s supposed to be inside our bodies – fat storage, energy, muscle, and waste. This is one of the reasons dieting alone won’t work for those with this condition. Therefore, it is seen in centripetal obesity as weight gain is one of the most common symptoms of this condition.

  • Peptic Ulcer Disease

Peptic ulcer disease is where the duodenum or lining of the stomach has sores. One tell-tale sign of this condition is experiencing pain between meals or bedtime, lasting for several minutes to a couple of hours. The pain may go for days or weeks and only stop after eating or taking antacids. You may also experience vomiting, bloating, and burping. While the condition itself does not lead to weight gain, excessive eating or more frequently in an attempt to stop the pain can.


Losing weight is not about how much weight you lose. Rather, it’s about the health benefits you gain from exerting effort in keeping yourself in the best shape. So, if you genuinely want to get in shape healthily, you must introduce new approaches to weight loss, including specialised TCM weight loss techniques that have been proven effective for centuries.

At Slim Couture, we can help you in your fitness journey through the best weight loss program in Singapore. We use extraordinary techniques to improve your body’s Qi circulation, including gua sha and in-house specialised suction tools. Learn more about it by contacting us today.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) employs many different techniques that help improve the health and well-being of individuals. For starters, this ancient technique is incorporated by many in Singapore as part of their TCM weight loss programs. TCM has many diverse facets, and one of them is gua sha.

Gua sha loosely means to “scrape”, “rub”, or “push.” This method uses a flat, smooth-edged jade tool to scrape different areas of the body in an upward stroke to improve blood circulation and promote healing. Aside from that, it helps the muscles relax and drain the tissues. Essentially, this ancient therapy is a type of massage that treats muscle pains by applying the right amount of pressure.

If you’re unfamiliar with gua sha, you may have read various articles that claim plenty of things about this ancient practice. Because of this, we will be debunking the most prevalent gua sha myths in this post.

1. It’s only for the face

This is one of the most common misconceptions people have about gua sha. While many social media influencers and multi-national skincare brands have promoted the flat smooth-edged tool used in gua sha as one that works wonders for the face, it can also help maintain a healthy body. Gua sha is used on many body parts to reduce pain and treat several physical conditions, such as muscle tension.

2. It can change the shape of your face

Gua sha has the power to make a face appear slimmer as it improves blood circulation and reduces facial puffiness. However, it cannot change the shape of your jawline or nose. Due to the fact that it doesn’t entail surgery, it cannot alter the structure of your face.

3. It works on all types of skin

This is one of the biggest myths that need to be debunked. Unfortunately, gua sha isn’t for all skin types. This is because gua sha can worsen skin inflammation. Those with acne, rosacea or other skin problems should consult a dermatologist or skip this treatment altogether.

4. It only works with one particular tool

The flat smooth-edged tool used in gua sha can either be made of jade or rose quartz. Regardless of what the instrument is made of, it still offers the same benefits. What’s important is the tool’s shape and the correct technique to use when massaging or scraping the skin with it.

5. It’s a good substitute for Botox

Botox and gua sha can both improve the appearance of your face. However, gua sha can only reduce puffiness, improve blood circulation, and drain lymph nodes. Unlike Botox, it cannot block chemical signals from nerves that cause muscles to contract. This means that it cannot reduce wrinkles on the face and neck.

6. It is painful

Gua sha is essentially a type of massage using a particular tool to massage or stroke different areas of the body. It is also performed in a relaxed and calm manner with firm and slow strokes. As long as oil is applied to the skin before the treatment starts, you won’t feel any pain with gua sha.


In summary, gua sha is a fantastic addition to your beauty regimen. Aside from improving the appearance of your skin and ensuring blood circulation all throughout your body, this TCM technique is also known to aid in weight loss programs as it can enhance your metabolism by stimulating blood flow. As a result, this can help you lose weight healthily and without any negative side effects.

To experience the weight loss benefits of gua sha, get in touch with us at Slim Couture today. We offer TCM slimming techniques that have proven and tested to be effective and long-lasting.

Losing weight is one of the common challenges that some people may face at least once in their life. With plenty of online resources that might help you shed those extra pounds, it may seem tiresome to think about and read those repetitive recommendations on weight loss meal plans. If you’re considering starting your journey to a fit and healthier lifestyle, there are several factors that you should consider, such as your determination, hard work and discipline.

Many individuals have been embracing Traditional Chinese Medicine in their lives for many years not only to lose weight but also to heal the mind and spirit. The development of TCM slimming centres has also emerged throughout time and assisted people in achieving their objectives.

If your regular workout routine and diet are no longer effective, you might want to give TCM a shot! Check out these five Traditional Chinese Medicine diet secrets to help you lose weight effectively!

1. Eat ‘warm’ food

Did you know that consuming too much cold food or drink might affect your digestive system? This is because your stomach and spleen don’t respond well to chilly temperatures. Hence, when your digestion isn’t functioning well, it tends to produce inflammation. Chronic inflammation makes it very simple to acquire weight while also challenging to lose it. Try eating cooked food or seasoning your meals with warm spices like cinnamon, ginger, or turmeric to aid digestion.

2. Eat earlier in the day 

The Traditional Chinese Medicine clock refers to when your human digestive organs are at the strongest point during the day. According to TCM practitioners, the best or ‘ideal’ time to have a meal is between 7am and 11am when your spleen and stomach are at their peak function. The worst time to eat is after 6pm as your body will just retain more of the calories and energy from your food as body fat.

3. Avoid greasy and sweet food

An excessive amount of oily or sweet food might trigger severe internal inflammation in your body. These foods produce significant blood sugar spikes and either release insulin or cause body fat to be stored. Try taking a spoonful of honey as an alternative to satisfy your need if you struggle to stop seeking sweet things.

4. Don’t overeat

Avoid eating out of habit and pay attention to what your body tells you. The human body is not designed to consume as frequent meals as most people do. The body is built to store the extra energy as body fat for use as a reserve only when necessary. Although it rarely occurs, this ‘emergency’ circumstance prevents your body from ever having the chance to use the stored energy source. Don’t overeat if your body is signifying that you’re already full.

5. Build up your body function

Your liver, kidney, and spleen greatly influence your capacity to lose weight and maintain it. The amount of internal inflammation in your body is controlled by your spleen, while many of the hormones that control your fat are regulated by your liver. Adrenaline, one of the body’s most potent fat-burning hormones, is produced by your kidneys. When these organs are functioning at their optimal state, losing weight is relatively simple.


Losing weight is not an easy journey and remember that if you are struggling in this aspect of your life, you are not alone! Many individuals find it challenging to stick to a strict diet or exercise regimen to achieve their goals.

If none of your plans is working, try incorporating TCM into your daily routine. If you’re looking for the best guides on TCM slimming in town, Slim Couture is here to help you achieve the body you’ve dreamed of with the help of Traditional Chinese Medicine!

We know that diet and exercise are the cornerstones of a healthy lifestyle, but that doesn’t mean you have to give up the things you love. Here at Slim Couture, we blend TCM weight loss principles into our programs to ensure you get the desired outcomes. Our personalised, one-on-one approach lets you get the most out of your diet and exercise routine, helping you reach your goals.

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